I’m so glad you’re here!

Welcome to a little corner of the internet where we strive to honor God in everything, find joy in the mundane, and still get really excited about the little things!

You know you should move on―so why can’t you?

Regardless of how long ago you were hurt, feelings of betrayal, bitterness, and confusion still repeat in your mind. You find thoughts creeping in:

I would never do to them what they did to me.
How can they be a Christian and act this way?
God, why did you allow this?
My bitterness isn’t as bad as what they did to me.
But I didn’t do anything wrong.
If I don’t fight for myself, no one will.

Each chapter addresses a different thought and combats them with Biblical truths to give you the practical tools to beat bitterness once and for all. By exposing bitterness and trusting God to bring justice in his way, you can finally get your life back!

New Book!

Read Lauren’s blog for everything from faith-based encouragement to travel to DIY successes (ok, and a few failures).


Follow along @lauren.vanderlinden